
Download this war of mine bruno
Download this war of mine bruno

Take this into account when making desperate decisions.

download this war of mine bruno

  • Katia and Pavle are both susceptible to killing and stealing from other characters, while Bruno tends to care less.
  • You might want to stock things to improve the safety of the shelter or guarantee your trading, and save some food for this second and third week.
  • Take into account the early Outbreak of Crime and military fighting.
  • When the Military Outpost becomes available, you'll be able to buy guns for cheap and sell them to Franko for quite a profit if you use Katia.
  • Since Bruno has the ' Good Cook' trait which reduces the expenses on preparing food/moonshine/ medications, it is advisable for him to focus on making Moonshine for Katia to barter. Katia should do the bartering with Franko and any other Traders for better prices and larger profits. Pavle, being a Fast Runner, is best used to scavenge during the night or, during the Outbreak of Crime, can help defend Our Shelter due to his combat potency.
  • Each character has a clear objective for how you can use them in this scenario.
  • You begin with the characters Katia, who is good at bartering Bruno, who uses fewer Materials when Cooking or making Moonshine and Pavle, who has a very high running speed. This stories is the first one that is unlocked for the player, as well as one of the easiest scenarios compared to the rest. Now they meet in dramatically different circumstances, looking for food and shelter. Pavle was the star of the local football team. She used to be a reporter, while Bruno had his own television cooking show.

    download this war of mine bruno

    Katia met both Pavle and Bruno before the war.

    download this war of mine bruno

    The civilian population trapped in the city are suffering from hunger, disease, and shelling. It's been years since government military surrounded the rebels in the capital, cutting off all supply lines. When the civil war broke out, many people thought it would only last a couple of weeks.

    Download this war of mine bruno